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R.I.P Peace Lily

Peace Lilly

In 1997, my mother gave Nancy and me a peace lily for Christmas.  It was a beauty, and it looked great in our house.  We were living in Oro Valley, AZ then too.

When we moved to California, the lily came along.  When we moved to Minnesota, the lily made the trip.

When we traveled back and forth as snow birds between Minnesota and Arizona, the lily made all the trips.  It experience, cold, heat, snow storms and long drives in the back of our truck.  It took all of this in stride.  When we started living full-time in Arizona, it was part of our household.  It was a member of the family.

I think Mother would be surprised to learn how well and how long we took care of this plant, but it was a special gift and we treasured it.  It was re-potted several times.  We kept it well fed and watered — usually.  It didn’t seem to mind being munched on by one of our cats, but it got even by making the cat sick. (Peace lily parts are poisonous we found out.)

Recently, though, the plant stopped growing and became infested with bugs.  We sprayed, watered, fertilized, kept it outside, kept it inside but nothing we did seemed to make it happy.  We assumed that old age got the best of it, and it just wore out.

So, a few days ago, it went to the land-fill.  Rest in peace peace lily.

Thank you, Mom.

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