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No Particular Subject.

I think I better throw a new post in here just so you know I haven’t given up on this blog or that I am ill or something.

Taken this morning.

Taken this morning.

First, I’ll report that our agave still has not bloomed, and the flower spike continues to grow.  If this keeps up, I’ll be made to install a flashing red obstacle warning light on it because it will become a hazard to air navigation.

Perfect Weather Zone weather has been perfectly outstanding recently which makes it hard to stay inside and stare into a computer screen.  When I have been inside, my recent efforts have been focused on installing new stained oak baseboard where the tile floor was installed, which includes most of the house.

If you old folks and not so old folks out there want to try something that will make you feel your age, install baseboard.  There’s lots of getting down on the floor and getting up again.  Lots of it!  My new knees are doing fine, but the rest of me aches.  It not as easy to do that as it once was.  Up and down, walk to the saw outside the front door and back, down and up.  The orthopedic surgeon in Minnesota gave me mega-dose Ibuprofen to help with knee pain before my surgeries.  Am glad I kept them.  Works well on sore muscles too.  I expect to be done with this work in about three weeks.

Recently, I was reminded that Marty, the oldest of my two sons, will turn 50 this year.  That does a lot to help me feel young too.  50!

I don’t know how many know the story of how it was decided Marty would be Marty (Martin).  Marty’s mother and I were living near Memphis before he was born, and we were brainstorming names this one day.   We were rattling off names, and I looked down on the floor to a stack of record albums.  On the top of the stack was an album by Martin Denny, one of my favorites at the time.  (I still like his work.)  I suggested the name Martin, and the rest is history.  Martin has a good Scandinavian ring to it too.  Funny, I don’t remember us making a list of girl’s names, but I’m sure we must have.

50!  I remember very little of my 50th b’day, I am sad to say.  It was so long ago!  I remember one of our cats walking on the box my birthday cake was in.  The lid of the box caved in and destroyed the good stuff on the top of the cake.

Today is likely to be the last day the high temp will be below 90 for a few months, so I’m getting away from this computer to make the best of the day.

I’ve taken many more photos of desert flowers and will be posting those in the near future.

Nancy and I have Posse Duty tonight.  Our turn to keep Sun City Vistoso safe from the irresponsible residents who leave their garage doors open after dark.

Baseboard work resumes tomorrow.  Wish Marty was here to help.


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