"Making A Difference"

July 8, 2007

$8656.00 raised and donated to the Cooperstown Medical Center Foundation!

July 24, 2007

Cooperstown's Municipal Association has agreed to match our $8656.00 donation!!  Thank you, Cooperstown Municipal Association!

September 4, 2007

We've learned that another $500.00 donation is coming in that will bring the CHS 56 contribution to $9156.00!  The source of this contribution is Helen Thompson.  It will be in memory of her late husband and our CHS 56 classmate, Morris Donald Thompson.

CHS 56 Classmate Roger McCardle presenting our check to Donald Loder of the CMC Foundation during festivities at

Cooperstown City Park on July 8, 2007.


View two clippings from the Griggs County Courier.

 Well done, Class of 1956!

Go Lynx!